Today I am going to do the nail polish tag, I see this on alittleobsessed (
http://www.alittleobsessed.co.uk) and though it looked fun!
1. What is your favourite nail polish company?
I think I am going to have to choose Nails Inc (
http://www.nailsinc.com/). The reason is the quality of their nails varnish is lovely, they are lovely creamy shades, that go on smoothly and don't chip to bad either!
The one major down side I see with Nails Inc, is the price tag. At £11 each they don't come cheap but they are one of those brands that do give their polishes away in magazines and a couple of years ago they also gave it away with diet coke bottles.
A close second would be Barry M, (
http://www.barrym.com/), this is due to the wide variety of colours they have and how reasonable they are!
2. Glitter or no glitter
Around Christmas and New year, as it feel festive, but most of the year I can't be bothered with glitter due to having to try and remove it!
3. OPI, China Glaze or Essie
Well I am yet to try China Glaze, as they are hard to come by in the UK. I only have 3 Essie polishes which I have found not to be very consistant in texture and can end up streaky but I would love to try more colours from them! Therefore I would have to say OPI, I don't have many colour from OPI, as they arn't very easy to come by in the UK and can be expensive. But I do love the range of colours that they have!
4. When do you change your nail polish?
It depends, normally around 3 days, I will touch up chips as an when I need to!
5. What is your favourite colour on your nails?
This has to go to nails in, my most favourite colour is the nude colour which is Basil street, on the left in the picture below, the reason for this is that it makes your nails look nice and adds a nice shine, but not dead looking. My current favourite is the the one in the middle which is a Khaki green colour which is Foubert's place (
http://www.make-up-by-maria.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/nail-of-day-nails-inc.html), which goes on lovely, and my final colour is heather grey also from Nails Inc, which as the nail suggest a lovely purple grey colour which also goes on lovely.
6. Darks or brights?
Darks in the winter and brights in the summer.
7. What are you wearing on your nails right this moment?
The Fourbert's Place colour above.
8.Matt nails in or out?
Errr out for me at the minuet, really into the shiny look!
9.French manicure?
Never had it!, wouldn't be able to do it on myself, but I do like the look, may get one done for my holiday!
10. Favourite summer colours?
Blueberry Ice cream-Barry M
Pure turquoise-Barry M
Cool Jade-Max Factor
French Affair- Essey
I tag everyone!
Maria x